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Air traffic simulation and visualization platform.

Earth Visualization

This module provides a 3D visualization of Earth.

../_images/py_ossim1s.png ../_images/py_ossim2s.png

For example:

import _ossimPlanet
import _logoHUD

globe = _ossimPlanet.ossimPlanet()

logo = _logoHUD.logoHUD(globe)

while not globe.renderDone():

Class ossimPlanet

class ossimPlanet

The ossimPlanet provides planet visualization based on the ossimPlanet library.

Note: To use this class you need to install the ossimPlanet library and relevant data files from

ossimPlanet instances have the following methods:


Elevation data is typically relative to mean sea level. The geoid grids are used to shift the Mean Sea Level to ellipsoidal heights. The addGeoid() method inserts new geoid data to ossimPlanet.

This method is optional. If not called, the ellipsoidal height is used.


The addElevation() method inserts new elevation data to ossimPlanet.

This method is optional. If not called, the geoidal or ellipsoidal height is used.


The addTerrain() method displays Earth terrain based on previously inserted geoid and elevation data.

The parameter exaggeration may be used to emphasize the terrain data by multiplying the elevation data by the given rate (> 1.0).


The addImage() method inserts new Earth image to ossimPlanet.

You may download a low resolution image earthlowres.tgz

The addKml() method inserts new KML (Keyhole Markup Language) object to the visualization.
The addLatLonHud() method enables a Head-Up Display (HUD), that displays latitude and longitude of the actual viewpoint.
ossimPlanet.setEyePosition((lat, lon, altitude)[, (heading, pitch, roll)])

The setEyePosition() method changes position of the view camera. The first parameter is a 3-tuple that describes camera position. The altitude is specified in meters above ellipsoid.

The optional second parameter is a 3-tuple that describes the camera attitude as Tait-Bryan angles in degrees. If not specified, the camera looks straight down.

Return True if the user requested termination of the visualization loop, or False if visualization should continue.
The renderFrame() method is the main rendering step. This will render 1 frame.

Class logoHUD

class logoHUD
The logoHUD provides a logo Head-Up Display (HUD), that displays a custom image in the upper-right corner of the Earth visualization window.

logoHUD instances have the following methods:

The logo_setFilename() method configures the displayed image. You may use any image format supported by OSG, including .rgb, .gif, .jpg, .png, .tiff, .pic, or .bmp.